
20.11. (Trans Day Of Remembrance) & 25.11. (International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women)



Ger ser hebe tundiya li hemberî Jinê hin dijwartir dibe. Herwuha ferskirina karên giran û xemxwarîyê Li her devê chîanê agirê ser gur bûye. Nijadpersti, Netewperstini, di pergala kapîtalizmê de her dice tüjtir dibe. Dema kû mirov welata, herêma bixe binêre xwe her dem bedenên Jina ji dikeve bindestiyê. Bindestkirin, Tecawiz her dem çekek mezine! Herwiha li ser Jinê tê fers kirin kû Zaroka bîne chîanê, wan û malbatê xwedî bike û herwiha jî rêa parestinê, ya penaberiyê bibîne. Çawa kû li welatên kû ser têde dijware, wusa li welatên kû şer tê ayirandin de jî tundiyeke mer’zin li dijî Jinê heye! Ji bo Artêşê 100 million pere tê dayin lê ji bo xwedîkirina mirovan her dice kêmtir pere tê dayin! Jin di virde jî pêwîste zarok û mala xwe bi awaki bi rê ve bibe,lê derfet jêre nayên dayîn. Di vê dema kû heri giran de, kû alikari ji ali de pêwiste bihata dayîn, şûna vê alikariyê Şer Artêş û tundî tê mezin kirin. Gelek rûyên baviksalariyê hene! Lê rûyê herî giring ewe kû dixwayze her dem Jine bindest bike, wê kontroll bike! Tenê kû em di jiyana xwe ya rojene de nefreta û tundiyê ji holê rakin emê karîbin jiyaneke hevpar li darxînin. Di jiyana rojene de, li sahiya ,li cihê kar û herwiha em pêwîste kontrollkirinê,destlêdyînê destlêhildanê, kin û nedret ji holê rakin. Di mijarên kû tundi bi kar tê her dem Zilam ê tewanbarin û qurban Jinìn. Di demeke weke niha de Zexta fikrê Rast jî tundiya li dijî Jinê tùj dike! Neyartî û şaş dayîna nasikirn ya Femînîzmê tenê ji bo kû Kapîtalizm ideolojiya xwe mezintir bike û bide pijirandin! Em bi hêrs û sewata dilê xwe rabin û bi hevre ser bikin! 25. Mijdarê em^bidaxin bi hevre rabin û careke din dengê xwe bilind bikin. Wê rojê di sala 1960àn de li Komara Dominiki xwuskên Mirabel, ên kû seri li hemberi Diktatorê mezin Trujillo rakirin. Ev Xuşk ji hêla dûvkên imperator hatin tecavuz kirin ji ber kû ji bo mafên Jinê ser rakiribûn! Her weke Jinên Kurd n kû li dijî Rejîma Mula û rejîma diktatör a tirka ser dikin, li ber xwe didin û seri radikin û ji ber wê jî îskence û girtin û kuştin dibînin her roj! Em van jinên tekoser bi bîr tînin! Û em di serê li dijî Fasizmê, Nijatpersti ,li dijî pergala Baviksalarî bi hevre dest didin hev û bi serdikevin!



When there is war, violence against women increases – as does their everyday burden of care work
All over the world, wars are flaring up or have been flaring up for some time. We are witnessing an intensification of nationalist, racist and capitalist mechanisms. When territories and countries are taken over and fought over, women’s bodies are also always taken over and fought over. The rape of women is used as a weapon in war. Always and everywhere, regardless of whether religious fanatics or state-authorised military forces are behind it. Even apart from sexualised violence, women suffer particularly in war and on the run. They have to bear children and provide for their families while there is a lack of vital resources.

Friend-enemy thinking and the violence that goes with it are spreading rapidly everywhere. Not only in countries where there is war, but also in countries where war is produced (for). In this country, women are expected to do the necessary care work, poorly paid or not paid at all, while the country is to be made fit for war. This can be seen in the German financial budget, among other things: the Bundeswehr receives 100 billion euros in special funds, while the social and care sectors remain underfunded. The same applies to women’s counselling and support centres. Yet women need this support more than ever in times when violence is becoming increasingly normalised. The underfunding of these areas has not only been a problem since the upsurge in militarisation, but is exacerbated by it.

Patriarchal violence has many faces – but it is always about men wanting to control women
This belligerent violence against women can only ignite because it is already part of everyday life and firmly anchored in the prevailing order, for example in the form of disgusting come-ons at parties, groping at work, hate comments online or physical violence in relationships. Whether sexualised violence, digital violence, state violence, domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking or (forced) prostitution – the victims are mainly women and girls, and the perpetrators are mostly men.

Every third woman is affected by physical, psychological and/or sexualised violence at least once in her life. Last year, every third day a woman in Germany was murdered because she is a woman. That’s called feminicide. This year it was every second day. Every other day a woman is murdered, because an ex-husband, ex-boyfriend or male relative sees the woman as their property and wants to control her life – even to the point of death.

The ubiquitous shift to the right exacerbates misogyny
Anti-feminism and the supposed right to the female body are an important agenda item of right-wing parties and structures that are on the rise, but they have also always been firmly anchored in the capitalist state. The patriarchal power fantasies of the right and their demands for even more oppression come up against a capitalist state that has never stood up for us and prohibits self-determination over one’s own body: Abortion is illegal by law and faces many hurdles in practice; sterilization is almost impossible for women without children and sexualized violence is not taken seriously. There is a simple reason for the state’s lack of support for the protection and autonomy of women: we are cheap labor and do 80% of the unpaid housework and care work. These conditions can only be maintained through violence.

We are sad and angry! Let’s fight together for the liberation of all!
On November 25, we want to draw attention to this violence and protest against it. On this day in 1960, three resistance fighters in the Dominican Republic, known as the Mirabel sisters, were raped and murdered by the henchmen of the dictator Trujillo. Since then, they have been a symbol of the resistance of oppressed and struggling women. And even today, it is still women who initiate and lead resistance movements, such as the Kurdish struggle for freedom or the fight against the Iranian mullah regime.
For us, remembrance also means continuing to fight, continuing the struggle of those who were murdered. We fight against the everyday violence against our bodies, the right-wing threat and the systematic violence of the state. We don’t need its symbolic politics, such as girl bosses and “power women” in the Bundeswehr! The liberation of women cannot happen within this system, it must be fought for beyond it!
And our struggles must be waged together: against fascism and racism, against capitalism and patriarchy, against misogyny and queerophobia. Because we are all oppressed by the same system! The strongest thing we can do to oppose this system and its current escalations is to fight in solidarity, supported by our grief and anger. Only together can we fight for a society in which power and violence do not set the tone, but in which the needs of the people are taken into account.

Calling for the rally: Jiyana Jin – Kurdish Women’s Association Kiel e.V., Feminist Café Kiel, Alevi Community Kiel, Feminist Antifa Kiel, Bund Sozialistischer Frauen, Perspektive Solidarität Kiel and Stadtteilladen Anni Wadle.

Trans people are exposed to harassment and violence from all sides
Trans people cannot identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. This is not a choice – yet they are harassed, insulted, discriminated against and attacked from all sides. Trans women and racialized people are particularly badly affected. The violence too often ends fatally. In 2023 alone, more than 300 trans people were murdered worldwide. The mostly male perpetrators are rarely caught and the media often report on them insensitively, incorrectly or not at all

Conservatives and right-wingers portray trans people as a threat
In recent years, the number of trans-hostile acts of violence has increased rapidly. This is hardly surprising, as they are a direct result of the shift to the right. Politicians and right-wing influencers are creating a mood against trans people and portraying any improvement in their situation as a threat to other disadvantaged groups who are rightly frustrated with the situation.
On the streets, neo-Nazis take the opportunity to stage themselves as saviors of old values at militant counter-demonstrations to CSD events. At the same time, misanthropists and right-wingers are also celebrating more and more successes in parliaments. Be it in Hungary, Argentina, the USA or even Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. Wherever they are in power, they restrict the rights of trans people. Lack of access to medical or psychological care is just as deadly as violence on the street!

Trans people have no place and no value in capitalism
But it is not just the openly fascist forces that are the problem: in times of crisis, patriarchal conditions come to a head. The rule of the male gains in popularity. Accordingly, only “real men” are seen as fully worthy, women are devalued. The capitalist economy is based on this: Men earn the profits, women look after children, the elderly, food and the household. The same applies to the renewed logic of war in Germany: a country that is arming itself and preparing for war needs a majority of unemotional, violent men for the front line and women to do the care work in the background.
Those who do not fit into this dichotomy, such as trans people, non-binary, inter* or agender (genderless) people, have no place and no value in this system and experience this on a daily basis.

We are sad and angry! Let’s fight together for the liberation of all!
On the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Transphobia, we want to remember those for whom the patriarchal system has ended fatally because they were murdered, died as a result of violence or could no longer endure the everyday violence and harassment. The day was initiated to commemorate Rita Hester and Chanelle Picket – two black trans women who were murdered on November 20, 1995 in Massachusetts, USA.
For us, remembrance also means continuing to fight, continuing the struggle of those who were murdered. We fight against the everyday violence against our bodies, the right-wing threat and the systematic violence of the state. We do not need its symbolic politics, such as rainbow flags on police cars! The liberation of trans people cannot happen within this system, it must be fought for beyond it!
And our struggles must be waged together: against fascism and racism, against capitalism and patriarchy, against misogyny and queerophobia. Because we are all oppressed by the same system! The strongest thing we can do to oppose this system and its current escalations is to fight in solidarity, supported by our grief and anger. Only together can we fight for a society in which power and violence do not set the tone, but in which people’s needs are taken into account.

Calling for the Schilderwald: Jiyana Jin – Kurdischer Frauenverein Kiel e.V., Feminist Café Kiel, Alevi Community Kiel, Feminist Antifa Kiel, Bund Sozialistischer Frauen, Perspektive Solidarität Kiel and Stadtteilladen Anni Wadle.